The Spring Update comes out soon, and when it launches, you’ll be able to get easy daily rewards with the new Fealty System!
The Fealty System combines the best features of a daily achievement system with a number of daily quests. By duking it out in PvP, running through instances, or just being social, you’ll earn Fealty points that will unlock bonus daily Gift Packs.
You’ll be able to get Fealty points in a ton of different ways – click the sun icon under your mini-map to get to the Fealty window. This system is designed to reward veteran players for signing in and getting their daily dose of JD, and to guide new players to the systems they can use to rank up.
Every Fealty grouping includes several possible ways to complete it; for Game Play 1, you could win a duel, embrace, form a party, or vend. Any one of those would net you 5 fealty points, and check that group off for the day.
To get the really good rewards from the Fealty system, you’ll need to complete most or all of the groups – but since you only have to complete one task per group, the Fealty system fits whatever you want to do. For completing 100 points worth of tasks, you’ll earn 250x Taichi Pills!
The Fealty system is coming out later this week in the Spring Update – mark your calendars and prepare your checklist, because daily rewards are about to arrive!
Notable Rewards:
25 Fealty: 30x Taichi Pills, 1x Meditation Orb
50 Fealty: 50x Taichi Pills, 100x Affinity Beads
75 Fealty: 70x Taichi Pills, 100x Chroma Beads
100 Fealty: 100x Taichi Pills, 2x Soul Inverters