The Jaden Rewards program has returned! You can get your choice of eleven different mystery boxes, plus the Tanis Ka’s Charm, Soulstone-boosting Chi Enhancer and more!
For every ZEN you transfer to a JD server during this promotion, you’ll get bonus points to exchange for exclusive rewards. In addition, if you transfer 500 ZEN or more during the promotion, you’ll receive an Initiate’s Loot pack in late May, including 500 Taichi Pills and more. For the first time ever, points from the previous Jaden Rewards won’t be wiped. This is an extension of the previous rewards, with a brand-new item available.
In addition to the Tanis Ka’s Charm and the Warlord’s Bounty mystery box, we’ve added the new Treasured Copper Coin, which you can trade for one of ten mystery boxes – one of which is brand new! The Myriad Thread includes a chance at the Butterfly Shadow flying mount, a golden butterfly for you to ride, as well as Capricorn Essences.
The Prismatic Voyager wings, from the Kunlun Karma mystery box
The other nine mystery boxes you can get with the coin have tons of prizes, including the Firmus esper, Yuan Crystals, mounts and more All of these mystery boxes are available from the Jade Exchange Girl in Sunstream City – check her Treasure tab. Each Treasure Copper Coin can be traded for one mystery box of your choice. You can get the Treasure Copper Coin for 200 bonus points each.
The Ryuu mount, from the Seed of Life mystery box
This promotion starts now, 3PM PDT on April 22. If you’d like to know more about how it works, read our guide! Act fast, though, because the Jaden Rewards will only last until May 13! Start time: 3PM PDT, April 22 End time: 11:59 PM PDT, May 6 Redeem your points by 11:59 PM PDT, May 13