Rockstar Games releases new video highlighting fictional Kifflom religion and Epsilon Program viral marketing campaign.
Rockstar Games is ramping up its Grand Theft Auto V teases. The developer posted a new video today for the game related to the Kifflom fictional cult religion that is the focus of the Epsilon Program viral marketing for the open-world sandbox game.
Rockstar wrote,” The Goals and the Pledge of Epsilon will continue to be revealed in due time.The Epsilon Program does not exist in just one time or place. We invite you to visit one of our enlightenment centers.”
The blog post ends with a hint that “Directions will be provided in one week’s time.”
The full video, which runs in an endless loop and possibly contains in-game footage, is available on the Rockstar Games Newswire.
GTAV is due out on September 17 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Those who preorder the game through Rockstar’s website will receive a Kifflom-branded t-shirt.
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