Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft patch 5.1. Hotfixes are updates we make on our end without requiring you to download a new patch. Some of the hotfixes below went live the moment they were implemented, while others may require your realm to be restarted to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. We will continue to update this list in the days to come as additional hotfixes are applied.
December 11
- Classes
- Mage
- When Fire Blast modified by Glyph of Fire Blast is used to detonate a Frost Bomb, the resulting Frost Bomb now deals 50% less damage.
- Warrior
- Taste for Blood now only stacks 1 time versus other players (was 3 times).
- Taste for Blood now only stacks 1 time versus other players (was 3 times).
- Mage
- Quests
- "Bad Blood", "Bloodlines", "The Korune", "Ancient Guardians", and "The Source of Korune Power" will no longer sometimes place players into the wrong phase.
- "Bad Blood", "Bloodlines", "The Korune", "Ancient Guardians", and "The Source of Korune Power" will no longer sometimes place players into the wrong phase.
- PvP
- The Battle Fatigue healing reduction debuff has been increased to 30% (was 15%).
- The Battle Fatigue healing reduction debuff has been increased to 30% (was 15%).
- Creatures
- The Mogu enemies in the Ruins of Ogudei now drop correctly drop loot when slain.
- The Mogu enemies in the Ruins of Ogudei now drop correctly drop loot when slain.
- Dungeons, Raids & Scenarios
- Creatures in the Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, and Ahn'Qiraj raid dungeons now deal damage according to their intended pre-Mists of Pandaria melee damage values.
- Creatures in the Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, and Ahn'Qiraj raid dungeons now deal damage according to their intended pre-Mists of Pandaria melee damage values.
- Bug Fixes
- Several abilities that should break on damage will now correctly have a chance to break when damage is absorbed, including: Psychic Scream, Hex, Howl of Terror, Intimidating Shout, Blinding Light, Frost Nova, Freeze, Ring of Frost, Entangling Roots, and Mass Entanglement.
December 10
- Classes
- Mage
- Critical Mass now multiplies the critical strike chance of Fireball, Frostfire Bolt, Pyroblast, and Scorch by 1.3 (was 1.25).
- Inferno Blast now spreads Ignite, Pyroblast, and Combustion to 3 surrounding targets.
- Mage
- Quests
- The Mechanized Fire should now be easier to reach in the course of completing "Dream of a Better Tomorrow".
- Players that have completed "Better With Age" and "Crime and Punishment" can now properly acquire the quest "By the Sea, Nevermore" from Zer'ik in the Dread Wastes.
- Players on the quest "Sentry Wards" will no longer be placed in the incorrect phase.
- The quest "Enemies At Our Door" can no longer be shared.
- Pet Battles
- The Battle Pet ability Stone Rush now has a 1 round cooldown (was 0).
- The Cinder Kitten is now has increased health. It looks like that armor helps a little after all.
- Several Battle Pets now appear during times of day more appropriate to their ecology.
- Singing Crickets are now considered Rare pets. This change does not apply to pets that have already been acquired.
- Silithid Hatchlings should now be less elusive.
- Brawler's Guild
- Fixed an issue that could cause Zen'shar's Eyes of Warding to persist after he despawns.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Zen'shar's Eyes of Warding to persist after he despawns.
- Professions
- Alchemy
- Players that have deleted their Zen Alchemist Stone can now obtain the Strange Spherical Stone to repeat the quest "Strange Spherical Stone" to earn a new one.
- Jewelcrafting
- Newly created Sapphire Cubs will now always be of Uncommon quality.
- Newly created Sapphire Cubs will now always be of Uncommon quality.
- Alchemy
- Items
- The following PvP trinkets now have less powerful on-use effects and reduced cooldowns:
- Dreadful Gladiator's Badge of Conquest
- Dreadful Gladiator's Badge of Dominance
- Dreadful Gladiator's Badge of Victory
- Malevolent Gladiator's Badge of Conquest
- Malevolent Gladiator's Badge of Dominance
- Malevolent Gladiator's Badge of Victory
- The following PvP trinkets now have a less powerful on-use effect, but the duration of that effect has been increased:
- SI:7 Operative's Manual
- Kor'kron Book of Hurting
- The following PvP trinkets now have less powerful on-use effects and reduced cooldowns:
- Creatures
- Various Hozen rare spawn creatures are now less likely to evade and despawn.
- Clawlord Kril'mandar will now be visible to players that have completed the quests "Domination Point" or "Lion's Landing".
- Huntress Vael'yrie in the Krasarang Wilds now properly offers Stable Master services.
- Dungeons, Raids & Scenarios
- Normal and Heroic mode raid bosses now grant 40 Valor Points each upon being defeated.
- Terrace of Endless Spring
- Tsulong
- Elemental Shaman will now always be properly eligible for loot after defeating the Raid Finder version of this encounter.
- Tsulong
- Mogu'shan Vaults
- The floor of Elegon's chamber should now always reappear after he is defeated.
- The floor of Elegon's chamber should now always reappear after he is defeated.
- Bug Fixes
- Classes
- Hunter
- Pets
- The Sporebat's Energizing Spores ability will no longer stack with other similar sources of spell haste.
- Pets
- Monk
- It is no longer possible to dispel or Spell Steal Xuen's Crackling Jade Lightning.
- Priest
- Fixed an issue that could cause Rapture to stop activating normally if it was triggered while the Priest was subject to crowd control.
- Shaman
- Fixed an issue that allowed several spells and abilities to continue to be available while Hexed.
- Warlock
- Damage from Rain of Fire will no longer prevent enemy players from capturing flag objectives.
- Havoc will no longer duplicate attacks directed against targets that are affected by Banish or Cyclone. These attacks will not consume any charges of the spell.
- Hunter
- Fixed an issue that could cause in-game cut-scenes to be skipped when sound is disabled.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players below level 85 to see and loot certain Treasures of Pandaria.
- Fixed an issue that could allow the Healing Ward provided by Vol'jin during the Dagger in the Dark Scenario to function outside of the instance.
- Classes
December 5
- Quests
- It is now possible to use the Distraction ability while on the quest "Prisoners of War".
- All eligible players can now complete the quest "It Is A Mystery".
- The Dread Amber Focus for the quest "Concentrated Fear" can now be looted by all members of the party who are on the quest.
- Seamus Goldenkicks can now return players to the instanced version of Dalaran after they complete the quest "Tracking the Thieves".
- It is no longer possible to have both "Dark Skies" and "Rampage Against the Machine" in the quest log at the same time.
- Players will no longer leap horribly to their deaths from the Dalaran Sewers in the course of completing the quest "One Last Grasp".
- Kor'kron Subjugators and Kor'Kron Overseers now respawn more frequently for the quest "De-Subjugation".
- Lieutenant Ethan Jacobson will no longer evade, and instead will respawn.
- Pet Battles
- The pet ability Ghostly Bite now has a 4 round cooldown (was 3).
- The Crow on Darkmoon Island can now be captured. This pet cannot be caged for sale.
- Newly purchased Darkmoon Hatchlings will now be of Rare quality.
- The Darkmoon Glowfly, Clouded Hedgehog, Silent Hedgehog, and Jungle Grub can now be encountered in all qualities.
- Brawler's Guild
- Disruptron Mk. 3R-Alpha will no longer abandon the fight prematurely.
- Crush should no longer reset unexpectedly during his Brawls.
- Picking up Meatball's Strange Energy now benefits the Brawler's nearby pet as well.
- Brawler's Guild statisticians will no longer reset their data on a weekly basis.
- Starfall will no longer strike undamaged Power Crystals in the Millhouse Manastorm encounter.
- The Brawler title is now permanent.
- Fixed an issue that allowed spectators to heal the pets of competitors that are inside a Brawl arena.
- Items
- Jin'ya, Orb of the Waterspeaker now correctly causes the Shadowfiend and Mindbender to appear as Sha when wielded by a Shadow Priest.
- Mirror of Broken Images and Sindragosa's Flawless Fang now provide 15% less resistance per level beyond level 85.
- Fixed an issue that could allow the G91 Landshark to be used more than once in combat.
- Item Enhancements
- The Enchant Weapon: Elemental Force will no longer incorrectly activate from healing effects, and can only be triggered by damaging melee attacks or spells.
- The Enchant Weapon: Elemental Force will no longer incorrectly activate from healing effects, and can only be triggered by damaging melee attacks or spells.
- Creatures
- Pandaren Campaign
- Domination Point Elites hired using the Guard Contract: Tower now have the same health as their Alliance counterparts.
- Bloodhilt Honorguards and Dominance Snipers at Dominance Point will no longer respawn too quickly.
- Shieldwall Stormcallers no longer incorrectly use Bloodlust.
- Shieldwall Marines no longer use their knockback effect too frequently.
- Dwarven Mortar Team Engineers no longer use Wrench Strike.
- Child of Chi-Ji in Krasarang Wilds will no longer evade after a brief pursuit, and no longer cast Blackout Kick.
- Warlord Bloodhilt
- Warlord Bloodhilt will no longer cast Bloody Knives on players that are no longer in combat with him.
- Internal Bleeding can no longer be manually removed by right-clicking the effect. Instead, it is necessary to use the Rip It Out! ability.
- Pandaren Campaign
- Dungeons, Raids & Scenarios
- A Little Patience
- Defeating Commander Scargash will now cause his Kor'Kron Elite guards to depart (and not photo-bomb the follow-up cinematic.)
- Dagger in the Dark
- Slaying Broodmaster Noshi while he is casting will no longer sometimes prevent players from progressing through this Scenario.
- Slaying Broodmaster Noshi while he is casting will no longer sometimes prevent players from progressing through this Scenario.
- A Little Patience
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that could cause multiple Gnolls to emerge from a single barrel when playing the Whack-A-Gnoll Darkmoon Faire carnival game.
- Fixed an issue that could cause some players to experience reduced performance in Silvermoon City.
- Fixed an issue that could cause certain mounts to count double toward mount collection achievements.
- Classes
- General
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Bloodlust, Heroism, Ancient Hysteria, and Time Warp from taking effect when cast simultaneously with another, similar, effect.
- Death Knight
- Fixed an issue that could cause Death Grip, when modified with Glyph: Tranquil Grip, to work on inappropriate targets.
- After a Death Knight benefits from Purgatory, the resulting Perdition debuff now correctly shows its 3 minute timer.
- Hunter
- Improved Serpent Sting now deals the correct amount of damage.
- Priest
- Fixed an issue that could cause Atonement to attempt to heal invalid targets.
- Atonement critical heals will now properly take effect on allies within 40 yards of the original target.
- Shaman
- Glyph: Totemic Encirclement will no longer sometimes prevent the talent Totemic Restoration from functioning.
- Warlock
- The Warlock's 2 piece Sha-Skin Regalia set bonus properly increases the damage of the Malefic Grasp version of Corruption by 10%, and will no longer sometimes deal too much damage.
- Warrior
- Safeguard will no longer sometimes take effect on allies that are out of line of sight, out of range, or unreachable.
- General
December 3
- Classes
- Monk
- Mistweaver
- The absorption effect of Life Cocoon has been increased by 100%. We hope to have this change applied within the next 24 hours.
- Brewmaster
- The Power Guard effect now properly increases Guard’s absorption by 15%, up from 5%.
- Mistweaver
- Paladin
- Protection
- Damage dealt by Holy Wrath now scales properly with Attack Power and Spell Power.
- Protection
- Warlock
- Demonology
- The damage and Demonic Fury cost of Chaos Wave have been reduced by 33%. The new values will not be reflected in the tooltip until a client patch.
- Demonology
- Monk
- Dungeons, Raids & Scenarios
- General
- Normal and Heroic raid encounters in Mogu’shan Vaults, Heart of Fear, and Terrace of Endless Spring now award 40 Valor, up from 25. This will take effect after the weekly reset.
- Mogu’shan Vaults
- The Spirit Kings now activate in a fixed order.
- General
November 29
- Classes
- Hunter
- Serpent Sting's damage has been increased by 100%, and its cost has been reduced to 15 Focus (was 25).
- Survival
- Improved Serpent Sting now deals 15% of its total damage instantly (was 30%).
- Mage
- Fire
- The periodic damage from Combustion has been reduced by 50%.
- The critical strike chance multiplier from Critical Mass has been reduced to 1.25 (was 1.5).
- Fire
- Monk
- Stance of the Fierce Tiger now correctly applies its 10% movement speed increase. It may be necessary to activate this stance if it is not already active to benefit from the effect.
- Monks using Roll and Flying Serpent Kick will now move at the correct speed while holding a Battleground flag.
- Mistweaver
- The mana costs of Jab, Spinning Crane Kick, Soothing Mist, Crackling Jade Lightning, and Renewing Mists have been increased by 30%.
- Soothing Mist and Crackling Jade Lightning now have a 30% chance to generate Chi when they deal damage (was 35%).
- Priest
- Divine Star now deals 40% more damage and 133% more healing, and its radius has been reduced by 33%.
- Divine Star now deals 40% more damage and 133% more healing, and its radius has been reduced by 33%.
- Hunter
- Quests
- Players that complete the quest "Voice of the Gods" will now only receive one Reliquary Facsimile reward via mail after completing this quest.
- The drop rate for Bilgewater Blasting Caps required for the quest "Siege Damage" has been increased.
- Lieutenant Valorcall will now spawn for the quest "Sigil of Arathor".
- Creatures
- Alliance soldiers in the Krasarang Wilds are no longer confused about which side they're on.
- Troubled Slave Spirits in the Ruins of Ogudei will no longer assist their own kind in battle unprovoked.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Zan'vess Squad Leaders to evade.
- Sunsong Ranch
- Fixed an issue that could cause crops to become harvestable at inconsistent times. Crops will now always become harvestable at 3:00 a.m PST.
- Fixed an issue that could cause crops to become harvestable at inconsistent times. Crops will now always become harvestable at 3:00 a.m PST.
- Dungeons, Raids & Scenarios
- Several classic raid bosses have been adjusted to be more friendly to solo players:
- Viscidus
- Viscidus now remains frozen for 30 seconds (was 15), and it takes 30 hits to shatter Viscidus (was 50).
- The Twin Emperors
- The recast time for Heal Brother has been increased to 3 seconds (was 2).
- C'thun
- Players now have 5 minutes to escape C'thun's stomach and resume the battle before it resets.
- Al'ar
- Al'ar and Ember of Al'ar are no longer immune to fire damage.
- Reliquary of Souls
- Spirit Shock now has a 15 second recast time (was 0 seconds).
- Viscidus
- The Heart of Fear
- Imperial Vizier Zor'lok
- In the Heroic mode version of this encounter, Zor'lok will no longer sometimes spawn multiple Echoes of Attenuation, and will properly transition to his third platform when receiving sufficient damage to cause him to skip his second platform.
- Wind Lord Mel'jarak
- Breaking an Amber Prison will now always inflict the Residue debuff.
- Imperial Vizier Zor'lok
- Mogu'shan Vaults
- Will of the Emperor
- Jan-xi and Qin-xi will no longer pause while executing their Devastating Combo attack.
- Will of the Emperor
- Mogu'shan Palace
- Elegon
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the floor from returning during phase transitions in this encounter.
- Elegon
- Temple of the Jade Serpent
- Fixed an issue that could cause Wise Mari to stop using Hydrolance or Call Water.
- A Little Patience
- Fixed an issue that could cause Commander Scargash to become uninteractable.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Commander Scargash to become uninteractable.
- Several classic raid bosses have been adjusted to be more friendly to solo players:
- Brawler's Guild
- Disruptron Mk. 3R-Alpha's attacks will no longer sometimes strike spectators in the Brawl'gar Arena. His attacks will now properly strike opponents standing on the grates in this arena.
- Dark Summoner's health has been reduced by 10%, and his damage reduced by 35%.
- Certain short-term buffs, such as Bloodlust, are now cleared when entering the Brawler's Arena. Long term effects, such as Heart of the Wild, will persist.
- Professions
- Engineering
- The Blingtron 4000 Gift Package now has a higher chance to drop valuable items, and a bonus chance to drop an additional sellable item.
- Tailoring
- The Imperial Silk Cocoon is no longer Unique.
- The Imperial Silk Cocoon is no longer Unique.
- Engineering
- Items
- The Malevolent Gladiator's Ripper can now be upgraded via Conquest Points.
- Bottled Tornado may no longer be used in areas where flying isn't permitted.
- Using Bottled Tornado will now always properly put Rocket Jump and Goblin Glider on cooldown.
- Blood Death Knights will no longer incorrectly receive Kilrak, Jaws of Terror; Scimitar of the Seven Stars; or Elegion, the Fanged Crescent from Raid Finder encounters.
- Item Enhancements
- Enchantments using the Real PPM system will now generate two buffs simultaneously, rather than simply refreshing the duration of an existing effect.
- Enchantments using the Real PPM system will now generate two buffs simultaneously, rather than simply refreshing the duration of an existing effect.
- Bug Fixes
- Mounted players can now correctly interact with the portals located at the faction daily quest hubs in the Krasarang Wilds.
- Classes
- Chi Torpedo, Halo, and Divine Star will no longer remove Stealth unless damage is actually dealt to the stealthed target.
- Hunter
- Disengage now properly removes rooting effects when used in combination with the talent Posthaste.
- Mage
- Fixed an issue that made it possible to detonate Frost Bomb twice under rare circumstances.
- Monk
- Dampen Harm now correctly only mitigates attacks that deal at least 20% of the Monk's maximum health.
- Enlightenment is now always granted upon completion of Monk daily quests.
- Gaining Power Guard will once again light up the alert on the Guard hotkey.
- Renewing Mists will now always prioritize players over player controlled pets.
- Paladin
- Holy Wrath now benefits correctly from Attack Power and Spell Power.
- Priest
- Shadow Priest Mastery: Shadowy Recall will continue to activate on targets afflicted with Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch, and Devouring Plague when they move out of line of sight.
- Mind Sear damage generated by Shadow Priest Mastery: Shadowy Recall has been increased to match Mind Sear's normal damage.
- The effects of Inner Focus will now always fade after one heal has been cast.
- Rogue
- Poisons will now continue to be applied normally while Shadow Blades is activated.
- Shaman
- Unleashed Fury will now benefit only the Shaman who cast it.
- Warlock
- Fixed an issue that could cause Threatening Presence to be permanently activated for the Voidwalker and Felguard.
- The Warlock's 2 piece Sha-Skin Regalia set bonus now properly increases the damage of the Malefic Grasp version of Corruption by 10%.
November 28
- Classes
- Shaman
- Stormlash Totem now has a radius of 40 yards (was 30).
- Warrior
- Skull Banner now has a radius of 40 yards (was 30).
- Shaman
- Quests
- Quest targets on Bilgewater Beach in Krasarang Wilds will no longer improperly apply PvP flags to attacking players.
- Agent Malley, the Operation: Shieldwall Quartermaster, now accepts the proper currency for his wares.
- The quest "Touching Ground" can now be completed correctly.
- NPCs in Domination Point will no longer ask PvP Guards to assist them in combat.
- Great Cranes now drop Pristine Jet Crownfeathers more frequently.
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes prevent players from witnessing their respective faction's landing on the shore of Krasarang Wilds.
- Pet Battles
- Mr. Bigglesworth will no longer drop from Kel'Thuzad, as he can now be obtained from the achievement Raiding With Leashes.
- Dungeons, Raids & Scenarios
- Fixed an issue that could cause some players to be friendly with the denizens of the Black Temple.
- The Heart of Fear
- Garalon will no longer despawn when moved near the outside edges of his platform.
- Mogu'shan Palace
- Trial of the King
- Defeating Kuai the Brute while he is casting shockwave will no longer sometimes prevent players from completing this encounter.
- Trial of the King
- A Little Patience
- It is no longer necessary to slay the Kor'kron Elite preceding Commander Scargash to engage him.
- PvP
- Players are once again correctly affected by silencing effects in PvP.
- Items
- Scavenged Pandaren Weapons are now correctly Bind on Pickup.
- The Malevolent Gladiator's Ripper now has the correct amount of PvP Power.
- Bug Fixes
- Character specific macros should no longer sometimes be removed from action bars when logging into the game for the first time.
- Players that have faction changed will now receive the correct Pandaren Campaign commissions for their current faction.
- Field Merchant Skevin now appears on the Skyfire.
- Spirits of Harmony can no longer be sold, auctioned or mailed.
- Fixed an issue that could cause players to become disconnected during the Domination Point event.
- The Sturdy Crane Crate, Sturdy Tiger Trap, and Sturdy Crab Crate are now consumed once the quests they offer are accepted.
- Guild tabards will now display correctly on the character selection screen.
- Classes
- Rogue
- Mutilate, Killing Spree, and Fan of Knives once again apply poisons correctly.
- Shaman
- The effects of Symbiosis: Prowl will now correctly be removed once the duration of Symbiosis expires.
- Warrior
- Safeguard once again properly removes snares and rooting effects.
- Rogue
November 27
- Classes
- Hunter
- Aspect of the Hawk and Aspect of the Iron Hawk now increase ranged attack power by 15% (was 10%).
- Monk
- Desperate Measures now also resets the cooldown on Expel Harm when the Monk is below 35% health.
- Paladin
- Light of Dawn's healing has been increased by 5%.
- Holy Prism will now always heal the 5 closest allies with the lowest health.
- Rogue
- The cooldown of Vanish has been reduced to 2 minutes (was 3 minutes).
- Warlock
- Curse of Enfeeblement and Aura of Enfeeblement now reduce the physical damage dealt by all targets by 10% (was 20%).
- Aura of Enfeeblement and Aura of the Elements now cost 150 Demonic Fury (was 50), and have a 10 second cooldown.
- Hunter
- Creatures
- Polluted Viceclaw Scuttlers are now much tougher customers.
- Items
- Sky Crystals can no longer function against Alani once Nimbus Shroud has been dispelled.
- Dungeons, Raids & Scenarios
- Terrace of Endless Spring
- Corrupted Protectors now deal less damage in the Raid Finder version of this raid.
- The Sha of Fear
- A number of bug fixes and adjustments have been made to the Heroic mode version of this encounter:
- The Sha of Fear will now transition to the Dread Expanse at 66% health (was 50%), and no longer heals when entering the second phase of the encounter.
- Dread Spawns can now gain up to 5 stacks of Gathering Speed (was 3).
- Dread Spawns now spawn at a reduced rate.
- Dread Spawns will no longer sometimes cast Eternal Darkness on an incorrect target.
- Dread Spawns will now always cast Sha Spine when a player picks up the Orb of Light; the damage of Sha Spine has been reduced.
- Dread Spawns are no longer fooled by Feign Death.
- A number of bug fixes and adjustments have been made to the Heroic mode version of this encounter:
- Tsulong
- The Raid Finder version of this encounter has been tuned to be more appropriate for its intended difficulty.
- Tsulong will no longer despawn unexpectedly in the Heroic mode version of this encounter.
- Lei Shi
- Lei Shi's Spray Ability now increases frost damage taken by 10% per stack in the Raid Finder version of this encounter (was 12%).
- Terrace of Endless Spring
- Bug Fixes
- Classes
- Druid
- Clearcasting is no longer consumed by damaging spells while Heart of the Wild is active.
- Monk
- Renewing Mist can no longer sometimes be cast while mounted.
- Paladin
- Fixed an issue that could cause Illuminated Healing to apply absorption shields when no healing was generated.
- Rogue
- Anticipation now generates the correct number of combo points when Crimson Tempest is used.
- Druid
- Players can now properly earn credit for the Last Man Standing achievement.
- The Turkey Shooter can no longer be used on mounted players.
- Fixed an issue that would cause various items to be awarded to players of the incorrect class or specialization in Raid Finder encounters.
- Fixed an issue that would prevent some items from The Terrace of Endless Spring from being disenchanted.
- Classes