Bohemia Interactive postpones release of military shooter into 2013; extra development time will help game “reach its full potential.”
Arma III has been delayed. Bohemia Interactive today announced that its military shooter will now release in 2013, with the extra development time enabling the game to “reach its full potential.” Arma III was previously slated to arrive in 2012. A finalized release schedule for the game will be announced in the new year.
Bohemia Interactive described 2012 as an “eventful year.” Not only did Arma III project lead Daniel Musil leave the company to pursue other opportunities, but Arma III developers Ivan Buchta and Martin Pezlar have been jailed on suspicion of spying on a trip to Greece. The developers have been detained for 95 days now, and a timetable for their release is uncertain.
“We’re still trying to make sense of the situation and hope that our colleagues will be released soon,” said new Arma III project lead Joris-Jan van ‘t Land in a statement. “Although their plight has certainly affected us on a personal level, we continue working on the tasks identified as key to the release of Arma 3.”
In addition to Arma III, Bohemia Interactive is also working with designer Dean Hall on a standalone version of zombie shooter DayZ.
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