Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes for PC Locked at 60fps

The PC version of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes will be locked at 60 frames per second, developer Kojima Productions has confirmed via a post to the game’s Steam Discussion page.

Kojima Productions also said that DualShock 3 and DualShock 4, while supported, will not have proprietary input displays in the UI. As is the case with most console-to-PC ports, the UI will display Xbox controller inputs.

Of course, you can also play the game and configure your inputs however you like with a mouse and keyboard. Kojima Productions has also released an infographic detailing all the control option for PC, which you can see below.

The publisher did not share the minimum or recommended PC requirements for Ground Zeroes, but the company said the game will support 4K resolution. The PC version will also feature increased shadow resolution, more simultaneous light sources, and an increase in the number of on-screen character models shown at the same time.

Ground Zeroes, which launches on PC December 18, is the prologue to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, which will launch in 2015 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. A PC version of the game is also in the works, though Konami has not announced when it will be released.

Emanuel Maiberg is a freelance writer. You can follow him on Twitter @emanuelmaiberg.

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