Unlock the tremendous powers within these gifts.
Sale Start Date: Thursday, January 3, 2013
Sale End Date: Tuesday, January 15, 2013
The Latamantis' and Furios' Gift are on sale for a limited time! The top prizes include Latamantis' Pet Egg, Furios' Pet Egg, Athena's Spear, and Athena's Shield.
Latamantis' Gift (Possible Prizes):
Latamantis Pet Egg
Athena’s Spear
Gem of Hel LV4
LV5 Gem Chest
Pet Skill Removal Charm
Skill Book – Book of Awaken Skill
Fresh Flower x99
Charmstone Pack
Super Gem Talisman
Stone of Odin’s Soul Jade LV4
Pet Skill Scroll Fragment
Basic Pet Gem
Major Fortify Crystal
Furios' Gift (Possible Prizes):
Furios Pet Egg
Athena’s Shield
Gem of Hel LV4
LV5 Gem Chest
Pet Skill Removal Charm
Skill Book – Book of Awaken Skill
Fresh Flower x99
Charmstone Pack
Super Gem Talisman
Stone of Odin’s Soul Jade LV4
Pet Skill Scroll Fragment
Basic Pet Gem
Major Fortify Crystal
Athena Pet:
In order to summon the Goddess Athena, you will need to collect all four of Athena’s artifacts; Athena’s Spear, Athena’s Shield, Athena’s Crown, and Athena’s Armor. Once all four artifacts have been gathered, you will need to travel to Rainbow Valley and meet with Bollina, where she will bestow the power of Athena upon you!
Latamantis’ Gift contains a chance to find Athena’s Spear.
Furios’ Gift contains a chance to find Athena’s Shield.
Aeacus’ Gift contains a chance to find Athena’s Crown.
Sphynx’ Gift contains a chance to find Athena’s Armor.