Astronauts Watched The Martian on Space Station This Weekend

Astronauts aboard the International Space Station were given an advance screening of upcoming Matt Damon space movie, The Martian. Scott Kelly and Kjell Lindgren tweeted about it, with Lindgren saying, “What a treat to watch The Martian while in space and see reflections of our own journey to Mars.”

Lindgren and Kelly have read the Andy Weir novel that serves as the basis for The Martian and Lindgren said in an interview with AP that he was hoping to have a copy of the film beamed up to space. The astronauts also spoke by phone with Damon, who was visiting NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.


Watch the latest Martian trailer here. The film, directed by Ridley Scott, opens in theaters on Earth on October 2. It tells the story of an astronaut stuck on Mars and the effort to bring him home.

Movie night! What a treat to watch #TheMartian while in space and see reflections of our own #JourneyToMars!

— Kjell Lindgren (@astro_kjell) September 20, 2015

Watched @MartianMovie on @Space_Station last night! Today working towards our #JourneyToMars during my #YearInSpace!

— Scott Kelly (@StationCDRKelly) September 20, 2015

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