Back at Blizzcon, Blizzard announced that the movie based on their Warcraft IP would be coming out on December 18, 2015. As an Internet savvy reader of pop culture news, you may have recognized this as an incredibly terrible idea, because that’s the same date slated for Star Wars: Episode VII.
Fortunately, Blizzard has come to its senses and realized that going up against one of the biggest properties in nerd culture on the eve of its rebirth would be a bad idea. The new date for the Warcraft film, according to the official World of Warcraft Twitter, is March 11, 2016.
We learned more details about the movie’s Orcs vs. Humans plot at Blizzcon earlier this year, and we also talked to Blizzard about their goals for the film. But at least fans will have the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, Warlords of Draenor, to tide them over.