Love all things Crusader or just looking for more official Blizzard art? Then be sure to sure to check out our Diablo III Media gallery! We've just added seven stunning pieces of concept art and illustrations, featuring work by the talented Glenn Rane, Victor Lee, Josh Tallman, and Phroilan Gardner.
Archive for the ‘Diablo III’ Category
New Short Story: "The Orphan and the Jeweler"

"'The trickster Zei crept among the sleeping gods,' Elder Sister Rou had told the orphans of the Tenth many years ago. 'With clever hands and a wide grin, he stole from his brothers and sisters until his pockets jingled. Then he scampered across the black sky, spilling jewels in his haste to escape. Most of […]
BlizzCon® 2014 Contests – Prepare Yourself for Greatness

The time has come to start prepping for our upcoming BlizzCon 2014 contests! All of the contests from BlizzCon 2013 will be returning—including Costume, Talent, Art, and Movie—and we can't wait to see what everyone comes up with to wow us this year. Information on how to sign up and official rules are coming soon, […]
New Wallpaper: Charge of the Crusader

"The crusade calls me…so I go." Faithful of Akkhan. Bastions of the Light. Stalwart redeemers of the Zakarum. Show your allegiance to the Crusader order with an all-new wallpaper featuring artwork by John Polidora! Visit our Diablo III Media section to download this wallpaper in multiple resolutions, and be sure to stay tuned for even […]
Reaper of Souls™ Soundtrack Now Available

The Diablo III: Reaper of Souls™ Soundtrack is now available on the Blizzard Music page! The album features 22 tracks that score your journey through the mortal realm of Sanctuary, from the legendary city of Westmarch to the unhallowed halls of the Pandemonium Fortress. Relive the struggle between good and evil over and over with […]
Welcome to Theorycraft Thursday!

In your adventures across Westmarch and beyond, you've undoubtedly come across different items, affixes, environments, mechanics, and even anecdotes from other players that have influenced or outright changed the way you play the game (or at least tempted you to try something you never before considered). All these variables can shape and help define your […]
Patch 2.0.4 Now Live

Diablo III patch 2.0.4 is now live in Europe. Check out the full patch notes below to learn all about the latest changes. Important: Please note that you will not be prompted to download patch 2.0.4 until the patch is live in your home region. If you are logging in from a European or Asian […]
Reaper of Weekends: +50% Bonus XP This Friday thru Monday

Over 1.5 million players around the world have stopped Death since Reaper of Souls™ launched last Tuesday, March 25. To celebrate this achievement and help support your ongoing crusade against the forces of evil, all nephalem who log into Diablo III this weekend will receive a +50% bonus to XP! This bonus XP period begins […]
Reaper of Souls™ Fan Art Contest Winners Revealed

As the days drew ever-closer for the release of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls™, artisans from around the world rallied the tools of their trade in order to portray the Heroes of Sanctuary or Malthael preparing for the coming conflict. There were over $11,000 worth of prizes and a two-night trip to Blizzard HQ in […]
Chat with Friends in the Desktop App

Friend request accepted! You can now chat with your friends directly through the desktop app for To get started, simply look for the Friends icon in the upper-right of the next time you log in. Clicking the icon will open up your friends list, where you’ll be able to see their […]