Charge Rewards featuring the Sagittarius Zodiac


The Charge Rewards year end bonus is here! This time we're offering the cunning  Sagittarius Pet in the Charge Rewards. Sagittarius is an intellect type pet with magical damage. The possible Ultimate skill is Ultimate Understanding which increases the pet's intellect by 30%. You can collect all 12 Zodiac pets!


Also available in the Charge Rewards: Holy Heart, Gem Chest Level 4, Gem Chest Level 5, Hephaestus Hammer +7, and Hephaestus Hammer +8.


The Charge Rewards is only available for a limited time, so don't miss out!


Here’s how it works:
Buy ZEN: Purchase ZEN and transfer the ZEN to BOI during the event period. You must transfer the ZEN to BOI in order to receive your points. You can also use PWE Prepaid Cards.
Receive Points: For every ZEN you transfer to BOI during the event period, you will receive the same amount of Rewards points (so if you transfer 3,000 ZEN, you will also receive 3,000 Rewards points).
Rewards Website: Go to the BOI Charge Rewards website to redeem your points for various items:


[Click here for the Charge Rewards page]


The Charge Rewards is available until December 24th, so make sure to purchase your ZEN before the event is over!


Rewards Points Begins: Friday December 21, 2012 (3:30PM PST, 6:30PM EST)
Rewards Points Ends: Monday December 24, 2012 (3PM PST, 6PM EST)


Although December 24th  is the last day you can receive Rewards points, you will have some time to decide what items to get. The last day to use your points is January 6th (11:59 PM PST, 2:59 AM EST). After this date, the Rewards program will be disabled and any remaining points will be removed.


Sagittarius Pet






**Please be aware that the date and time on the Charge Rewards page may be incorrect. The correct times of the event are listed on this blog and take priority over dates listed on the Charge Rewards page**



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