At this year’s Tokyo Game Show, Sony showed off some upcoming additions to its hardware color lineup. While there hasn’t been a full console redesign yet, you’ll be able to spruce up your PlayStation 4 with an assortment of colored faceplates and controllers.
Click any image or thumbnail to see the full-size version.
In addition to a new headset, this is the closest we’ve gotten to what is likely the final version of Sony’s VR experience, formerly called Morpheus.
Finally, the Vita is adding a few new color options. However, while the faceplates and controllers above will likely see a Western release, you’ll probably have to import the brighter, shinier Vita if you want to pick one up.
Do you plan on getting any of the new console accessories, are you holding out for more themes and colors, or are you happy with your standard system? Let us know in the comments below!