Ladies and gentlemen, to celebrate Valentine's Day, we're bringing back the one… the only… Collective Wedding event! This event has tons of loot, including Gold Bricks for crafting Chu-Han gear for your Voida.
We'll be running this event once per day on all four English servers, a total of six times.
(Want more details? Read the old guide here.)
Collective Wedding event:
Feb. 13-15, Feb. 20-22
Billows, Wildlands and Shura: 8 PM server time
Doom Bog: 6 PM server time
(Realm 15 only)
In addition, we're going to activate Attack Power and Defense buffs in Sunstream next week. Make sure to visit Sunstream for this free 2 hour buff — and if it runs out, or you log out, just visit Sunstream to refresh it!
+ 200 Attack Power
+ 100 Defense
Start time: Feb. 21, around noon PST