One out of every five copies of Destiny was sold digitally, according to a study by SuperData Research.
That’s significantly higher than the year’s other big titles, which on average sold 12 percent of total units via digital downloads on consoles.
According to the report, Destiny also accumulated 9.5 million registered users.
Across the industry, digital console sales reached $96 million, and the digital games market overall reached a combined total of $957 in October, up 12 percent from the same month last year. SuperData attributes this increase to the adoption of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 and major publishers getting behind digital distribution.
“For the holiday season we conservatively forecast the share of direct-to-consoles downloads of full games to double, as consumers seek to avoid the inconvenience of having to wait for delivery or stand in line,” SuperData said. “That said, GameStop has so far proved to be well-positioned to capture a piece of this uptick in digital games revenue. We do, however, anticipate lower-than-expected game sales over the winter break for online retailers like Amazon.”
Earlier this week, Bungie detailed an update scheduled to go live on Monday that will expand voice chat support and various aspects of Destiny’s Iron Banner event.
For more on the game, check out GameSpot’s previous coverage.
Why did you buy a physical or digital copy of Destiny? Let us know in the comments below.
Emanuel Maiberg is a freelance writer. You can follow him on Twitter @emanuelmaiberg. |
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