Front End Changes
- Enabled Broodmother in Captain’s Mode
- Enabled Phoenix in Captain’s Mode
- Fixed Midnight Pulse rounding down
- Fixed Illusions not showing the same Black King Bar charges as the primary hero
- Fixed recursive damage loop with stolen Fatal Bonds and Sticky Napalm
- Fixed Spirit Bear being unable to pick up Bounty Runes
- Fixed Pounce not being removed by Blade Fury
- Fixed some minor incorrect purgeability behaviors with Invulnerable states on Bane, Ember Spirit, Faceless Void, Morphling and Storm Spirit
- Fixed Runes not spawning at the right time in save/load games
- Fixed save/load not remembering Black King Bar charges
- Fixed some cases where reconnecting to a match would fail until the client was restarted
- Town Portal Scroll effect coloring intensified to show more of the casting player’s color
- Improved detection of Poor Network Conditions. Now it can trigger if multiple players experience degraded connection quality, even if they do not totally drop connection. When poor network connections are detected, the match is immediately safe to leave, match results are not recorded, and prediction items are not consumed
- Fixed a bug which caused end-of-match rewards, such as All Hero Challenge progress, to not be granted if players left very quickly after a match ended at the same time that match signout was delayed
- Added Phantom Assassin Bot
- Added Oracle Bot
- Bots can no longer use buyback if affected by an Aghanim’s Scepter-upgraded Reaper’s Scythe
- Added new sounds for each rune type
- Added a new sound for when Linken’s Sphere is cast on an ally
- Added a new sound for Helm of the Dominator
- Added a new sound for Spirit Breaker’s Empowering Haste activation
- Added a sound layer to Desolator attacks
- Updated the sound for Roshan’s Slam
- Updated the sound for Windranger’s Windrun
- Basic attacks that miss or are evaded no longer play sounds
- New healthbars added for Ancient buildings, Roshan, and hero creeps (Spirit Bear, Familiars etc)
- The item context menu now allows “Move to Stash” while dead
- Fixed alt-pinging the enemy’s item sometimes getting truncated
- Linken Sphere now shows up as a buff icon when cast on allies
- Fixed the Reaper’s Scythe indicator not appearing in the top bar when buyback is unavailable to a killed hero
- Allow tab cycling (without unit selection) between owned units to cycle to illusions
- If Unified Unit Orders is unchecked, holding down control while issuing orders will only issue the order to the selected unit group and not the entire selection
- Damage taken by illusions is now expressed in ability and item descriptions as the total amount of damage that the illusion will take. Previously, it was shown as an amount of bonus damage to then be added to the base 100%
- Several tooltip adjustments and fixes
- Added a Terse option to Fight Recap
- Spectating in DotaTV will now show player pings and drawings
- Added an option for sorting items in your armory by those received most recently
- Fixed crash from Lion Infernal Wings weapon particle
- Fixed broken eyelid animation for flying Prismatic Drake courier
- Fixed mesh inside wrist guards for Battletrap armor
- Fixed custom portrait for Crystal Maiden when equipped with Yulsaria’s Glacier
- Enabled item set for Lone Druid Wolf Hunter and added Spirit of Calm to the Tools of Haruspex item set
- Fixed Eki Bukaw ward hitboxes
- Fixed eye attaches for Lil Nova courier
- Updated foot particles for Mirana’s Sapphire Sabre-Lynx mount
- Updated emoticons in the DotaCinema Captains Draft 2.0 bundle
- Magnus – Increased texture budget for his weapon to 256×256
- Elder Titan – Enabled alpha-test
Nerif, The Oracle
“Oracle has come to let you seize the fates of both friend and foe. Weave your power into a harmful bolt that stops your enemies and removes helpful auras. Or render an ally resistant to harmful magics. Combine either approach with your double-edged purifying flames, and you’ll have all you need to aid or destroy. Still in danger? Delay an ally’s doom with a false promise, and give them the time needed to see their destiny to its fullest. As Oracle, the future is always in your hands.”
Oracle’s Icons & Abilities
In Game Shots
Oracle’s Abilities
FORTUNE’S END – Channel power into a bolt of scouring energy that stops and removes buffs from enemies.
FATE’S EDICT – Briefly render a target immune to magic damage, while boosting all damage from other sources and removing their ability to attack.
PURIFYING FLAMES – Instantly burn a friend or foe, then heal them slowly over time.
FALSE PROMISE – Grant an ally invisibility while moving and attacking. Any damage or healing they receive will be delayed until the spell ends.
The bubble will change to reflect damage dealt to the hero during this period by displaying cracks on the shield with beams coming out.
Oracle’s Base Model
Oracle’s Default Parts
- Oracle’s Armor
- Oracle’s Back Item
- Oracle’s Head Item
- Oracle’s Weapon
- Oracle’s Ambient Effects
The Manifold Paradox
“With a raspy cackle, the elder smith Craler swung the sword that his family had spent eleven generations to fold and forge. So sharp it was that, with a sound like tearing fabric, a rip in reality tore open. Through this rip, Craler recognized himself from moments before, holding aloft the very same coveted blade. Then, in a fit of greed and madness, he cut this earlier self down to seize the twin sword as his own. Too late, however, Craler felt a familiar wound, and was suddenly filled with the memory of being cut down himself…”
– Weapon evolves and changes colors as Phantom Assassin fulfills contracts
By taking part in the upcoming Nemesis Assassin Event matches your weapon will be upgraded as you fulfill contracts. There are three levels available.
The screenshots below don’t show the particle effect change
– Enemies see a special splash effect when struck by Coup de Grace
– Phantom Assassin’s kills are marked on the battlefield with a Paradox Memorial
The Paradox Memorial stays behind after you kill an opponent. Dragging to select the memorial will display more information on your victim and how much damage was dealt by Coup De Grace.
The Memorial does not interfere with unit selection, has no collision and a maximum cap of how many can be on the map.
– Animated chat emoticon
– Custom portrait, hero/minimap icon and spell icons
– Includes custom spell effects for all of her abilities
Stifling Dagger
Phantom Strike
– New dual wielding animations
The Phantom Assassin Arcana features an entire new set of animations for all of her attacks, abilities and misc animations.
Phantom Assassin also has a different set of aggressive animations for when an enemy is nearby.
– Altered voice

– Custom base skin with special ambient effects
– Custom loadout pose and effects
The Arcana can also be mixed and matched with other Phantom Assassin items.
Treasure of the Defender’s Vision
“Witness the end of your enemies with new sets created by Dota Cinema for Centaur Warrunner, Clockwerk, Timbersaw, Venomancer, and Necrophos, available separately on the Dota store or as part of the Treasure of the Defender’s Vision. Purchase the Treasure and, should fate prove kind, you may also discover a rare Antipode Courier tucked within!”
Clockwerk Set
Also includes a custom cursor pack.
Timbersaw Set
Also includes a custom cursor pack.
Venomancer Set
Includes two alternative style colours.
Also includes a custom cursor pack.
Centaur Set
Also includes a custom cursor pack.
Necrophos Set
Includes custom particle effects.
Also includes a custom cursor pack.
DotaCinema Angel & Demon Courier
This courier can also be unboxed as an Unusual Courier.
Radiant Courier
Dire Courier
Charm of the Defender’s Vision
“Oracle peers into the future. Do you share his skill at foresight? Use a Charm of the Defender’s Vision at the beginning of an All Pick match to predict that your team will emerge victorious.
Three correct victory predictions will transform your charm into a Treasure of the Defender’s Vision. Make two incorrect predictions and you’ll receive a Charming Celebration action item instead, primed with three uses.
The Charm of the Defender’s Vision is only available for purchase during the Nemesis Assassin Event. Predict wisely!”
Charming Celebration Action Item
Make two incorrect predictions and you’ll receive a Charming Celebration action item instead, primed with three uses.
TI4 Compendium Stretch Goal Rewards
New Creep Models
“Emboldened by the destruction of enemy structures, the Ancients have long had the ability to transform their creeps into larger, more imposing warriors to push even further into enemy strongholds. But a new transformation is afoot. Now the Dire creeps become more dire, the Radiant more radiant, each kind taking on architectural characteristics of their Ancient’s fortifications. When the end is nigh, your creep waves will bring death to your enemy’s doorstep.”
Radiant Creeps
Dire Creeps
Heroic Effigies
“Those who purchased this year’s Compendium for The International have a new way to display their heroism! Heroic Effigies are a new customization feature allowing players to sculpt their favorite hero, along with any items they have equipped, into a statue for their team’s base.
To craft an Effigy, first grab your Effigy Block of Triumph, and then use it to open the Sculptor menu and begin posing your hero. After you’ve set your statue’s equipment, pose, and written your inscription, you’re ready to create your Effigy.
Once equipped from your loadout, your Heroic Effigy will appear in your team’s base for all to see.”
Step 01. Find the “Effigy Block of Triumph” in your Armoury.
Step 02. Right click on it and hit the use buttton. This will open the Heroic Effigy Creation Tool.
Step 03. Select the hero you would like to use in the drop down list.
Step 04. Hit the “Go To Loadout” button and equip the items you would like to have featured on the Effigy.
Step 05. Hitting the return to Heroic Effigy button will take you back into the editor with the newly equipped items.
Step 06. Select an animation from the drop down list. If you have equipped a taunt and it is support you will see the taunt animation in the list.
Step 07. After picking an animation slide the select frame option to set the desired pose.
Step 08. By hitting the Dota 2 symbol at the top you can preview what the Effigy will look like in game.
Step 09. You can switch between Radiant and Dire previews by hitting the team buttons next to the animation drop down.
Step 10. Set an inscription that will displayed in game when people click on your Effigy. You can also proceed without one if you wish.
Step 11. Once you confirm that you want to create the Heroic Effigy the block will be consumed and you will no longer be able to edit it. The editor will confirm this with you before proceeding.
Step 12. You will now have a Heroic Effigy item in your Armour that you can equip. This item will be socketed with a “Effigy Commendation Gem” which will track the amount of likes your hero statue has received from teammates.
Step 13. You can also right click on the Heroic Effigy and preview it out of game.
Step 14. Once in game and you have the Heroic Effigy equipped one of the small buildings in your base will be replaced with your personal Effigy.
Step 15. The Effigies are destroyable once back door protection has been dropped.
Compendium Gems and Emoticons
“The Dormant 2014 Compendium Gems have finally awoken! Peek inside your armory and you’ll discover a shiny new 2014 Compendium emoticon and a gem. Use the emoticon in chat, or slot the gem into an item to show off your International Compendium level.”
Compendium Gems
- Copper
- Bronze
- Silver
- Gold
- Platinum
- Diamond
UI Updates
New health bars have been added for Ancient buildings, Roshan, and hero creeps (Spirit Bear, Familiars etc).
The settings UI now has an option a terse option for the fight recap system to make it more compact.
The Town Portal Scroll effect coloring has been intensified to show more of the casting player’s color.
Back End Changes
Updated Strings
Chat message string for when an Effigy is destroyed.
+ “DOTA_Chat_EffigyKilled” “%s1’s Effigy has been destroyed!”
The creep titles have been updated slightly so you can see the difference between a Super (Single racks destroyed) and Mega (All racks destroyed) creep.
+ “npc_dota_creep_badguys_melee_upgraded” “Super Melee Creep”
+ “npc_dota_creep_badguys_melee_upgraded_mega” “Mega Melee Creep”
Ability and item tooltip updates.
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_maledict_Description” “Curses all enemy Heroes in a small area, causing them to take a set amount of damage each second, as well as bursts of damage every 4 seconds based on how much health they have lost since the curse began.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_maledict_Note0” “If an affected hero’s health has increased above the amount they had when Maledict was cast, the burst damage will be 0.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_maledict_bonus_damage” “%LOST HEALTH BURST DAMAGE:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_diabolic_edict_Description” “Saturates the area around Leshrac with magical explosions that deal physical damage to enemy units and structures. The fewer units available to attack, the more damage those units will take. Lasts 8 seconds.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_brain_sap_Description” “Feasts on the vital energies of an enemy unit, healing Bane and dealing damage.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_brain_sap_tooltip_brain_sap_heal_amt” “HEAL AMOUNT:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_blur_Description” “Phantom Assassin focuses inward, increasing her ability to evade enemy attacks, and allowing her to blur her body to disappear from the enemy team’s minimap when far from enemy heroes.\n\nStacks diminishingly with other sources of Evasion.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_replicate_Description” “Morphling replicates any hero, friend or foe, dealing 50%% of the original Hero’s outgoing damage while taking 100%% of any incoming damage. At any time, Morphling can instantly take the position of the Replicate for 150 mana. If Morphling dies, the Replicate will expire.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_replicate_tooltip_illusion_damage_out_pct” “%REPLICATE DAMAGE:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_replicate_illusion_incoming_dmg_pct_tooltip” “%REPLICATE DAMAGE TAKEN:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_bloodrage_Note1” “Only amplifies for half values when the damage dealer and the receiver are over 2200 range apart.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_spirit_lance_Description” “Sends a magical spirit lance to a target enemy unit that damages and slows, while summoning an illusory phantom to attack the unit.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_spirit_lance_tooltip_illusion_damage” “%ILLUSION DAMAGE:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_spirit_lance_tooltip_illusion_total_damage_in_pct” “%ILLUSION DAMAGE TAKEN:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_juxtapose_max_illusions” “MAX ILLUSIONS:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_juxtapose_illusion_proc_chance_pct” “%ILLUSION TRIGGER CHANCE:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_juxtapose_tooltip_illusion_damage” “%ILLUSION DAMAGE:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_juxtapose_tooltip_total_illusion_damage_in_pct” “%ILLUSION DAMAGE TAKEN:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_frostbite_creep_duration” “CREEP DURATION:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_frostbite_creep_damage_tooltip” “CREEP TOTAL DAMAGE:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_ghostship_Description” “Summons a ghostly ship that sails through the battle before smashing apart, damaging and stunning all enemies caught near the wreckage. Allied heroes touched by the Ghostship are given a swig of The Admiral’s Rum, receiving bonus movement speed and a delayed reaction to 50%% of all incoming damage.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_shadow_wave_Description” “Sends out a bolt of power that arcs between allies, healing them while damaging any units standing nearby. Dazzle is always healed by Shadow Wave.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_shadow_wave_Note1” “If enemies are near multiple allied units affected by Shadow Wave, they will take multiple instances of damage.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_shadow_wave_bounce_radius” “HEAL ARC RADIUS:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_shadow_wave_tooltip_max_targets_inc_dazzle” “MAX HEAL TARGETS:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_elder_dragon_form_Note3” “Manta Style’s cooldown time will be based on whether Dragon Knight was in his ranged or melee form when the item was used.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_wall_of_replica_Description” “Raises a wall of warping light that damages and creates replicas of any enemy hero who crosses it. Enemy replicas serve at the Dark Seer’s will. Replicas last until they are destroyed, or until the wall’s duration ends.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim’s Scepter.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_wall_of_replica_damage” “WALL DAMAGE:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_wall_of_replica_duration” “WALL DURATION:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_wall_of_replica_tooltip_outgoing” “%REPLICA DAMAGE:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_wall_of_replica_tooltip_replica_total_damage_incoming” “%REPLICA DAMAGE TAKEN:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_wall_of_replica_tooltip_outgoing_scepter” “%SCEPTER REPLICA DAMAGE:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_repel_Description” “Creates a divine barrier around a target unit which grants them Spell Immunity and 100%% resistance to Magic Damage.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_haunt_duration” “ILLUSION DURATION:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_haunt_tooltip_outgoing” “%ILLUSION DAMAGE:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_haunt_tooltip_illusion_total_damage_incoming” “%ILLUSION DAMAGE TAKEN:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_blast_release_Description” “Releases the ice blast to explode at the tracer’s current location.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_sanity_eclipse_Description” “Unleashes a psychic blast that damages enemy heroes based on the difference between the affected the hero’s Intelligence and Outworld Devourer’s. If the difference in intelligence is less than the threshold, the affected hero will lose 75%% of their current mana. Should an enemy hero have the same or higher Intelligence than Outworld Devourer, Sanity’s Eclipse will have no effect. Sanity’s Eclipse can hit units trapped by Astral Imprisonment.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim’s Scepter.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_sanity_eclipse_damage_multiplier” “INT DIFF DAMAGE MULTIPLIER:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_sanity_eclipse_int_threshold” “INT DIFF MANA LOSS THRESHOLD:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_sanity_eclipse_cast_range” “CAST RANGE:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_sanity_eclipse_damage_multiplier_scepter” “SCEPTER INT DIFF DAMAGE MULTIPLIER:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_sanity_eclipse_cast_range_scepter” “SCEPTER CAST RANGE:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_Note1” “Manta Style’s cooldown time will be based on whether Lone Druid was in his ranged or melee form when the item was used.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_battle_cry_Lore” “When Sylla cries in the forest, the reverberations are felt for a great distance.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_battle_cry_Description” “Adds damage and armor to the Lone Druid as well as any nearby units under his control.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_battle_cry_range” “RADIUS:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_disruption_Description” “Banishes the targeted unit from the battlefield for a short duration. Upon returning, two illusions of the banished unit are created under Shadow Demon’s control.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_disruption_disruption_duration” “BANISH DURATION:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_disruption_tooltip_total_illusion_incoming_damage” “%ILLUSION DAMAGE TAKEN:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_phantasm_extra_phantasm_chance_pct_tooltip” “%EXTRA PHANTASM CHANCE:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_phantasm_illusion_duration” “PHANTASM DURATION:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_phantasm_incoming_damage_tooltip” “%PHANTASM DAMAGE TAKEN:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_phantasm_outgoing_damage_tooltip” “%PHANTASM DAMAGE:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_overgrowth_aghanim_description” “Adds the Eyes in the Forest ability: allows Treant Protector to enchant trees to grant him vision in that location. If Overgrowth is cast, units within an 800 radius of a summoned tree will be entangled and damaged.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_eyes_in_the_forest_Description” “Treant Protector enchants a tree, which grants him unobstructed vision in that location. If Overgrowth is cast, units within an %overgrowth_aoe% radius of an enchanted tree will be entangled and damaged.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_tooltip_tombstone_health” “TOMBSTONE HEALTH:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_duration” “TOMBSTONE DURATION:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_radius” “ZOMBIE SPAWN RADIUS:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_zombie_interval” “ZOMBIE SPAWN INTERVAL:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_mirror_image_illusion_duration” “IMAGE DURATION:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_mirror_image_outgoing_damage_tooltip” “%IMAGE DAMAGE:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_mirror_image_tooltip_incoming_damage_total_pct” “%IMAGE DAMAGE TAKEN:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_berserkers_rage_Note2” “Manta Style’s cooldown time will be based on whether Troll Warlord was in his ranged or melee form when the item was used.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_walrus_punch_Description” “Tusk prepares his mighty Walrus Punch, causing his next attack to be a critical strike that launches the victim into the air. The victim will be slowed upon landing.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_reflection_Description” “Terrorblade brings forth an invulnerable dark reflection of the targeted enemy Hero. The enemy Hero is slowed and attacked by the reflection for a short duration.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_reflection_illusion_duration” “REFLECTION DURATION:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_reflection_illusion_outgoing_tooltip” “%REFLECTION DAMAGE:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_conjure_image_illusion_duration” “ILLUSION DURATION:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_conjure_image_illusion_outgoing_tooltip” “%ILLUSION DAMAGE:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_metamorphosis_Note0” “Manta Style’s cooldown time will be based on whether Terrorblade was in his ranged or melee form when the item was used.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_kunkka_ghost_ship_damage_absorb” “The Admiral’s Rum”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_kunkka_ghost_ship_damage_absorb_Description” “You’re drunk! Movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, temporary numbness to 50%% of all incoming damage.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_kunkka_ghost_ship_damage_delay” “Rum Hangover”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_kunkka_ghost_ship_damage_delay_Description” “Sobering up. Gradually feeling the rest of the damage taken while under the effects of The Admiral’s Rum.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_sphere_target” “Linken’s Sphere Spell Block”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_sphere_target_Description” “The next targetted spell will be blocked.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_rune_illusion_description” “Conjures 2 illusions of your hero which deal 35% damage. Melee illusions take 200% damage, while Ranged illusions take 300% damage.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_Description” “Active: Mirror Image – Creates %images_count% images of your hero that last 20 seconds.\n\nMelee images deal %tooltip_damage_outgoing_melee%%% damage and take %tooltip_damage_incoming_melee_total_pct%%% damage, while Ranged images deal %tooltip_damage_outgoing_ranged%%% and take %tooltip_damage_incoming_ranged_total_pct%%% damage.\n\nYasha-based movement speed bonuses from multiple items do not stack.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_images_count” “NUMBER OF IMAGES:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_tooltip_damage_incoming_melee_total_pct” “%MELEE IMAGE DAMAGE TAKEN:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_tooltip_damage_outgoing_melee” “%MELEE IMAGE DAMAGE:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_tooltip_damage_incoming_ranged_total_pct” “%RANGED IMAGE DAMAGE TAKEN:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_tooltip_damage_outgoing_ranged” “%RANGED IMAGE DAMAGE:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_tooltip_illusion_duration” “IMAGE DURATION:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_urn_of_shadows_Note0” “Empty urns gain 2 charges.”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_urn_of_shadows_soul_heal_amount” “RELEASE ALLY TOTAL HEAL:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_urn_of_shadows_soul_damage_amount” “RELEASE ENEMY TOTAL DAMAGE:”
+ “DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_urn_of_shadows_soul_heal_duration” “SOUL RELEASE DURATION:”
The Indian server region is now live.
+ “dota_region_india” “India”
Small update to the wording of the hide profile setting tooltip.
+ “DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_HideProfile” “Your Dota 2 Profile will not be accessible by anyone. Your Steam Profile will not be accessible from Dota 2.”
Updates to the Workshop strings.
+ “DOTA_Workshop_ImportCursorPack” “IMPORT CURSOR PACK”
+ “DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_CursorPack” “CURSOR PACK”
+ “DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_CursorPack_Desc” “A pack of cursors that replace the HUD defaults.”
+ “DOTA_ItemTest_CursorPack_Intro” “Cursor Packs are a set of images that combine to replace the in-game cursors.”
+ “DOTA_ItemTest_CursorPack_Desc” “A set of .BMP and .ANI files that represent the variety of cursors for the UI. Also necessary are raw .PNG source for the same cursors. Browse for the icon.png that will be your pack’s inventory icon and we’ll find the other files.”
+ “DOTA_ItemTest_CursorPack_Help” “Cursor Pack Help”
+ “DOTA_ItemTest_ChatEmoticon_AnimationSpeed_Desc” “Frame time, in milliseconds. Most emoticons use 100 milliseconds per frame.”
+ “DOTA_ItemTest_ChatEmoticon_DefaultFrame” “Default Frame”
+ “DOTA_ItemTest_ChatEmoticon_DefaultFrame_Desc” “The frame to show when the emoticon is not animating. In the range from 0 to the number of frames minus one. Use -1 to automatically chose the last frame. If not specified, will use the first frame (0).”
New Inscribed Stat Tracking Gems.
+ “KillEaterEventType_PhantomAssassin_ArcanaEventWins” “Contracts Fulfilled or Denied:”
+ “KillEaterEventType_Statue_Commends” “Statue Commendations”
+ “KillEaterEvent_VictoryPredictionFailures” “Failed Predictions”
+ “KillEaterEvent_VictoryPredictionWins” “Successful Predictions”
+ “KillEaterEvent_Oracle_FatesEdictKills” “Fate’s Edict Kills”
+ “KillEaterEvent_Oracle_FalsePromiseSaves” “Allies Saved With False Promise”
New Kinetic Gems.
+ “DOTA_Asset_Mod_Necronub_Reapers_Scythe” “Ghostly Wrath of Ka”
+ “DOTA_Asset_Mod_Necronub_Death_Pulse” “Scarab Swarm of Ka”
+ “DOTA_Asset_Mod_Necronub_Base_Attack” “Rotting Bolt of Ka”
+ “DOTA_Asset_Mod_Necronub_Ambient” “Sands of Ka”
+ “DOTA_Asset_Mod_Double_Edge_of_the_Berserker” “Stallion’s Double Edge”
+ “DOTA_Asset_Mod_DC_Centaur_Head_Icons” “Stallion’s Ability Icons”
New item style strings.
+ “DOTA_Item_Wings_of_Ka_Style0” “Wings of Ka”
+ “DOTA_Item_Wings_of_Ka_Style1” “Coffin of Ka”
+ “DOTA_Item_Warcog_Loading_Screen_Style0” “Warcog Style 1”
+ “DOTA_Item_Warcog_Loading_Screen_Style1” “Warcog Style 2”
+ “DOTA_Item_Unbroken_Stallion_Loading_Screen_Style0” “Unbroken Stallion Style 1”
+ “DOTA_Item_Unbroken_Stallion_Loading_Screen_Style1” “Unbroken Stallion Style 2”
+ “Dota_Item_Acidic_Mandible_of_the_Hydra_Style0” “Acid”
+ “Dota_Item_Acidic_Mandible_of_the_Hydra_Style1” “Hunter”
+ “Dota_Item_Acidic_Mandible_of_the_Hydra_Style2” “Poison”
+ “Dota_Item_Acidic_Tail_of_the_Hydra_Style0” “Acid”
+ “Dota_Item_Acidic_Tail_of_the_Hydra_Style1” “Hunter”
+ “Dota_Item_Acidic_Tail_of_the_Hydra_Style2” “Poison”
+ “Dota_Item_Acidic_Tentacles_of_the_Hydra_Style0” “Acid”
+ “Dota_Item_Acidic_Tentacles_of_the_Hydra_Style1” “Hunter”
+ “Dota_Item_Acidic_Tentacles_of_the_Hydra_Style2” “Poison”
+ “Dota_Item_Acidic_Ward_of_the_Hydra_Style0” “Acid”
+ “Dota_Item_Acidic_Ward_of_the_Hydra_Style1” “Hunter”
+ “Dota_Item_Acidic_Ward_of_the_Hydra_Style2” “Poison”
+ “Dota_Item_Acidic_Wings_of_the_Hydra_Style0” “Acid”
+ “Dota_Item_Acidic_Wings_of_the_Hydra_Style1” “Hunter”
+ “Dota_Item_Acidic_Wings_of_the_Hydra_Style2” “Poison”
We also have some new tip strings and updates.
+ “dota_tip_universal_31” “Be careful not to make more enemies than the five you are already facing.”
+ “dota_tip_intermediate_22” “Holding Control allows you to use your Bottle regen on an allied Hero. Bottled Runes, however, cannot be shared.”
+ “dota_tip_intermediate_52” “Denied creeps grant 50% of their normal experience.”
+ “dota_tip_intermediate_53” “Use the Flying Courier’s Speed Boost wisely. It has a very long cooldown.”
+ “dota_tip_intermediate_54” “Ranged heroes and units have a 25% chance to miss when attacking uphill.”
+ “dota_tip_intermediate_55” “Roshan becomes stronger every 4 minutes, gaining additional health, damage, and armor.”
+ “dota_tip_advanced_8” “Abilities that are Unique Attack Modifiers will not draw the attention of lane creeps when manually cast.”
+ “dota_tip_advanced_29” “Warriors summoned by using a Level 3 Necronomicon have True Sight.”
+ “dota_tip_advanced_30” “The effects of Dust of Appearance can be purged.”
Nemesis Assassin Event
The Nemesis Assassin is an upcoming mini-event that will be triggered if an owner of the new Phantom Assassin Arcana is in your match playing her. More details regarding this event will be confirmed in the Day 3 update on the preview page.
At this moment in time the following structure is followed for the event:
A chat message will announce that the Phantom Assassin player has been given a contract to kill a specific target on the other team.
+ “DOTA_Chat_AssassinAnnounce” “%s1 has been given a contract to kill %s2”
Both teams will then be told the following information:
+ “DOTA_Chat_AssassinTeammate01” “If Phantom Assassin slays her target before the target slays her, the contract will be Fulfilled. All teammates of Phantom Assassin will be rewarded for Fulfilling the contract.”
+ “DOTA_Chat_AssassinOpponents01” “… but if %s1 kills Phantom Assassin first, the contract will be Denied. All teammates of %s1 will be rewarded for Denying the contract.”
If Phantom Assassin is successful then:
+ “DOTA_Chat_AssassinFulfill01” “PHANTOM ASSASSIN”
+ “DOTA_Chat_AssassinFulfill02” “Has killed %s1”
+ “DOTA_Chat_AssassinFulfill03” “The Contract has been fulfilled!”
+ “DOTA_Chat_AssassinSuccess” “%s1 has fulfilled the contract! %s2 has fallen!”
If the target instead kills Phantom Assassin:
+ “DOTA_Chat_AssassinDeny01” “PHANTOM ASSASSIN”
+ “DOTA_Chat_AssassinDeny02” “Has been killed by %s1”
+ “DOTA_Chat_AssassinDeny03” “The Contract has been denied!”
+ “DOTA_Chat_AssassinFailed” “%s1 failed to complete the contract and fell to %s2”
At the end of the match the rewards will then be handed out:
+ “DOTA_GameEnd_AssassinSuccess_0Player” “Yet nobody on her team owns the Manifold Paradox, leaving the reward unclaimed.”
+ “DOTA_GameEnd_AssassinSuccess_5Player” “%s1, %s2, %s3, %s4 and %s5 will be rewarded with:”
Manifold Paradox
The Phantom Assassin Arcana comes embedded with a Rune of the Foreseer’s Contract gem which tracks Phantom Assassin’s completed contracts. The more contracts completed, the more powerful her Manifold Paradox becomes.
Event Trophies
There will also be two trophies that will keep track of fulfilled and denied contracts.
Nemesis Assassin
“Awarded for Fulfilling contracts during the Nemesis Assassin Event.”
Assassin Assassinated
“Awarded for Denying contracts during the Nemesis Assassin Event.”
Unreleased Couriers
Nexon Hyeonmu Turtle
This special edition Nexon courier comes in four different colours and features particle effects for each of them. The courier can also be leveled up three times.
Blue Turtle – Level 1
Blue Turtle – Level 2
Blue Turtle – Level 3
Red Turtle – Level 1
The particle effects in the image are not the correct colour.
Grey Turtle – Level 1
The particle effects in the image are not the correct colour.
Gold Turtle – Level 1
The particle effects in the image are not the correct colour.
Hexgill the Lane Shark
Unreleased Item Sets
The test client often contains extra item sets not found in the main client. There is no confirmation that these will make it into the main client.
Chaos Knight
Dragon Knight
Drow Ranger
Ember Spirit
These are tagged as Genuine items for Nexon.
Faceless Void
This is a work in progress Viking set for Kunkka that is tagged as an Arcana and includes a custom Viking Ship.
Other Changes
DotaCinema Emoticon Pack Update
The DotaCinema Captains Draft emoticon bundle has been updated.
Indian Server Region
The Indian server and matchmaking region are now live.
New Sound Effects
Item Sound Effects
Hero Sound Effects
Roshan’s Slam
Spirit Breaker’s Sound Effects
Windrunner’s Sound Effects