Alliance Wars just got slicker with the new Hall of Glory map in the Judgment expansion. With the Hall of Glory, you’ll be able to easily include spectators, earn gold for victory and more!
(Want to know more about Jade Dynasty: Judgment? We've done an overview and a preview of the Voida faction so far, with more to come.)
The Hall of Glory will be available from a new NPC in Sunstream, the Alliance War Minister, in the corner at (199, 167). Instead of a normal Alliance War, you can choose to challenge enemies in the Hall of Glory, with all the special bonuses plus a brand-new map.
The Hall of Glory map is fairly simple, a wide circle with a few rivers and bridges to form chokepoints. The center of the map is a raised dais with only two entrances – a perfect killing ground.
Just as in a normal Alliance War, battles in the Hall of Glory are won by the alliance with the most kills. Respawning is quick and easy, but always risky: You’ll respawn as soon as you click “To Town,” but you won’t be able to choose where you respawn. Instead, you’ll respawn at a random location through the map, possibly behind enemy lines. Unlike a normal Alliance War, though, the winning team will get gold based, on the number of spectators watched the fight.
The Hall of Glory builds in some nifty functionality to make spectating easy and nondisruptive. Nothing’s worse than having a spectator accidentally pull mobs into your war or blind you with skill FX – well, in the Hall of Glory, not only are spectators invisible, they flat-out can’t cast skills. You won’t even know they’re there unless they chat.
Spectating costs 50 gold; if you want to leave and come back, you’ll have to pay another 50 gold. This gold goes to the winning alliance, so a prizefight with a huge audience can net tons of gold.
Jade Dynasty: Judgment is coming soon, disciples. Get ready for its release and prepare for battle!
Want to know more about how all this plays out? Read through the rapid-fire notes below!
- Both alliances must be at least level 2, just like a normal Alliance War.
- Multiple alliance wars can happen at once in the Hall of Glory. They will each have their own instance, and spectators will be able to choose which to watch.
- You can challenge players remotely – challenging an alliance involves typing a member’s name, then that alliance can choose to be teleported to the Hall of Glory.
- Battles last one hour.
- There’s no autorouting through the map, and there’s no flying.
- Participants can leave and enter as often as they want; spectators have to pay 50G each time they enter the Hall of Glory.
- The war doesn’t carry over into the wider world, so if your alliance is fighting in the Hall of Glory, you can’t war against the same alliance outside the Hall.
- This doesn't replace or remove normal Alliance Wars, it's just an additional option.