Blizzard has been slowly parceling out info on the single-player expansion for its successful card-battling game Hearthstone, and today we finally learned when Curse of Naxxramas is coming out: July 22.
On the official Blizzard blog, the company wrote, “Curse of Naxxramas goes live globally for Windows, Mac, and iPad on Tuesday, July 22, starting with the Arachnid Quarter, the first of five creepy wings that will be released weekly after the gates are opened.” It’s worth noting that the EU Blizzard site cites the release date as Wednesday, July 23 — so the release will likely happen globally at the same time, thus that specific day will not be the same in every country.
As a reminder, this initial expansion will be free for “roughly a month,” but you’ll have to lay down cold, hard gold (or cash) to open up the four remaining parts of the expansion. Curse of Naxxramas, like it’s namesake dungeon, has five wings with a separate “boss” to battle at the end. We explained the exact pricing and release schedule for the game in detail earlier this week, but in short, a new wing will open up each week after the first. Subsequent wings will cost either 700 in-game gold, $7 individually, or you can buy multiple wings at a slight real-money discount. There are no discounts for buying multiple wings with in-game gold.
As you work your way through the dungeon, you’ll unlock new cards to add to your deck. And if you make it through the entire expansion, you’ll unlock an exclusive card back.
At the very least, the first expansion is free for a month, so be sure to log in to your account after July 22 if you want to try it out.
Justin Haywald is a senior editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @JustinHaywald Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email news@gamespot.com |