The tide is receding, and the Fishman Invasion is about to leave Jade Dynasty, along with most of the other special events.
The Fortune Seals, Fishman Invasion, Lion Dance, and Snake Herald exchange will all be getting phased down after next week’s maintenance (5/22).
•The Fishman Invasion event will be over. These quests give 200 Taichi Pills and more per character, so make sure to level up as much as possible before next week.
•Fortune Seals will continue to drop, but the exchange NPC will only be available on Realm 15 on each server.
•The Lion Dance event will only be available on Realm 15 on each server.
•The Snake Herald NPC will only be available on Realm 15 on each server.
This week is the last chance for some great rewards, disciples. Stay tuned, though – we’ll be having some great events in the run-up to our anniversary!