The June Update is now live for Jade Dynasty, introducing the new monthly Coronation battle and the Charge Orbs boost system!
Charge up your stats with new charge orbs, giving bonuses to your Skill Evasion, CritStrike Bonus and more! The materials for this system can be gained as loot from a number of bosses, including the Pest King and the Elysium bosses. They are also available in the Jade Exchange Girl’s new Jaden Book glory pack.
Learn more in the preview blog post!
Every month, the server’s Sovereign will be crowned in the Coronation PvP. Only the top four alliances per server will be able to participate, judged first by alliance level, then by combined character level.
The first battle will be on 6/30 – mark your calendar, and make sure your Alliance is as high-level as possible! Learn more in the preview blog post.
Jade Dynasty’s fourth anniversary is fast-approaching, adventurers – June 15th is the big day. We’ll be having a number of events leading up to that, including boss spawns and limited-time quests. Learn more in the events roundup.
The June Update is the first salvo in the barrage of our anniversary extravaganza, so keep an eye on the blogs and forums for the latest on what’s coming in Jade Dynasty!