New Destiny Update Reveals Upcoming Multiplayer Modes, Exotic Gear, and More

A major Destiny patch dropped today, and with that comes lots of currently hidden information that will likely be part of upcoming DLC for the game.

]You can read all of the official changes to the game in our post on the 1.0.3 patch here, but intrepid data miners at Reddit have also scoured the content to see what it reveals about upcoming additions to the game. And there’s a lot of exciting new stuff, which Reddit user sgtfrankieboy breaks down to: “35 new Activities, 7 new Activity Types and around 230 new items”

From the Reddit post, the new exotic weapons and gear are going to be a major point of discussion:

New Exotic Items

Scout Rifle

  • 347 Vesta DynastyA Reef scout hunts for years, fighting piracy and ancient traps, to crack one cache and claim the weapons within.


Auto Rifle

  • Necrochasm“Cursebringer” Precision kills with this weapon frequently trigger a Cursed Thrall explosion.

Sniper Rifle

  • No Land Beyond“The Master” Increased precision damage. Kills briefly increase damage against next target.

Rocket Launcher

  • Dragon’s Breath“Pyromancer” Rounds fired from this weapon leave a Solar Flare upon detonation.



  • Starfire Protocol13.4 billion years ago, the first stars kindled out of darkness, seeding the future of all life.
  • Purifier Robes“Fire is the breaking of bonds. Fire is freedom. We must be swift and thorough in our liberation…”


  • Claws of AhamkaraLook at all this life, oh bearer mine. There is so much left to burn…
  • Ruin WingsIn the Garden grows a tree of silver wings. The leaves are ruin, the bark disaster. Of the seeds we do not speak.
  • Don’t Touch MeAmputated from a creature that stumbled out of a Vex gate. A vestigial defensive reflex still remains.
  • Nothing ManaclesThe equations balance thus: you are diminished, and I am exalted. You are broken, and I am made strong.
  • ACD/0 Feedback FenceThe Active Contact Defense system uses warsat hull materials to store a retaliatory charge.
  • Ikaheka’s HooksAh, no matter; the wound is not so deep…




The Reddit post also lays out new activities including “new story missions, strikes, raids, crucible playlists, etc.”

New Quests

Please note: They are adding items over time, so this list is incomplete


These names might be familiar but they are added because of the new activity types

New Activity Types

Inferno are the Hardcore versions of the game type.

  • Inferno Control
  • Inferno Salvage
  • Inferno Rumble
  • Inferno Clash
  • Inferno Skirmish
  • Quest (Kind of Story missions)
  • Iron Banner (Team Deathmatch Large)


The patch also added data for a new vendor: Eris Morn. Morn is aligned with the Crota’s Bane faction adds a way to obtain several new quests and bounties.

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