To celebrate Valentine’s Day, we’re putting powerful PvP fashions into the Marketplace, plus adding several new mystery boxes!
The Phoenix and Dragon fashion sets are usually only available in the Bonus Shop, but for a limited time only, you’ll be able to get your hands on these powerful and romantic fashions. These fashions each include a powerful PvP-ready skill, either draining Spirit (female version) or Health (male version) over time.
We’ve also discounted wedding packs and Love Wishes to celebrate – get married with the packs, then you’ll be able to use Love Wishes to teleport to your spouse whenever you want.
There are also two brand-new mystery boxes this week, plus the return of the fan-favorite Chaos Treasure!
The Sun Catcher’s Tear is a brand-new mystery box with a fun new mount. The Sun Catcher himself is a giant hero mount, with a throne for you to ride in strapped to his shoulders. The Tear also has prizes like the Yuan Crystal and fashion coupons for Velonus, Anan, and Bilu fashion sets.
Get romantic with the Spring Festival Couplet! This mystery box is your ticket to wedding packs, Antiquity Tomes for special skyblades, and more.
In addition, you can win Treasure Urns and Treasure Bowls. Treasure Bowls can be traded with Tonni for Bloodsmelting mediums, allowing you to upgrade your esper’s stat bonuses. Treasure Urns can be traded for Esper Tomes and Accessories, and you’ll be able to start grafting esper bonuses onto an ascended esper. Read this guide blog for more about what you can pull off with Ascended espers!
The Chaos Treasure mystery box includes a number of Espers and related items to fuel your Esper Ascension. The Firmus and the Soul Scepter are powerful base espers, each with game-changing powers. This mystery box also includes Treasure Urns for all your Esper needs.