Next Mass Effect game will be ‘fresh and new’

BioWare executive producer Casey Hudson says next game in series will offer new ideas; feature film with Legendary remains in production.


BOSTON–Today during a presentation at PAX East, BioWare executive producer Casey Hudson said the next entry in the Mass Effect franchise will be “fresh and new.” This game will be primarily developed by BioWare Montreal and Hudson will serve as the game’s executive producer.

“We are starting to get ready to develop another Mass Effect game and it’s going to be a new thing,” Hudson said. “We want to be able to give fans an opportunity to get back into the world with these things you’ve come to know and love about the Mass Effect experience, but start something fresh and new; a new way for you to explore the whole universe in Mass Effect.”

In addition, Hudson today confirmed that the Mass Effect movie with Legendary Pictures remains in production, though no release date or casting details were divulged.

“Hopefully it should be seen as a good thing,” Hudson said of the movie. “Because what we’re looking at are, I think, the right things to make sure it’s going to be great. It’s not just going to be a movie. It’s going to be really special.”

Lastly, Hudson reiterated that BioWare is working on an all-new intellectual property. Specific details on this project were not mentioned, though Hudson said he hopes this project could match the trajectory of the Mass Effect series.

“That’s kind of our next thing. We’re focusing on delivering something new, the way we did at the very beginning of Mass Effect,” Hudson said.

BioWare also confirmed today that 82 percent of all Mass Effect 3 gamers play a male Commander Shepard.

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Next Mass Effect game will be ‘fresh and new’” was posted by Eddie Makuch on Sat, 23 Mar 2013 12:04:21 -0700
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