With Blizzcon less than a week away, rumor and speculation run rampant across the Internet regarding just what Blizzard plans to unveil. One of their surprises may have been spoiled a little early, though: the name of the next World of Warcraft expansion.
A user over at the MMO-Champion boards dug up a trademark registration attributed to Blizzard for Warlords of Darenor. The name was filed both in New Zealand and Australia, and the post also comments that warlordsofdraenor.com was registered a month ago (though, naturally, the site is currently barren).
This rumor is unconfirmed by Blizzard and, like the previously registered The Dark Below trademark, may turn out to be nothing at all. Fortunately, we only have a few more days to find out whether this Draenei-themed expansion is even close to the truth.
GameSpot will be on-hand at Blizzcon 2013, which runs November 8-9, so be sure to check back for all the latest official Blizzard news as soon as it’s confirmed.