Developer Housemarque has posted an image to Twitter that teases upcoming DLC for Resogun, which may include a local cooperative mode.
Resogun is a sidescrolling spaceship shooter inspired by arcade classic Defender. It was released alongside the PlayStation 4’s launch, and was also added as a free game for PlayStation Plus members, so you probably at least tried it if you were an early adopter.
At the moment, Resogun only has an online multiplayer mode, and fans have been asking for local cooperative mode since it launched. The image above, showing two players looking at the same screen, suggests that they will finally get it.
Housemarque also said that the teaser is for the “first of many things to come,” so we’re likely to see other additions and improvements coming to the game as well.
For more on Resogun, check out GameSpot’s review, which found it almost impossible to put down.
What kind of DLC will get you to play Resogun again? Let us know in the comments below.
Emanuel Maiberg is a freelance writer. You can follow him on Twitter @emanuelmaiberg and Google+. |
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