There is a possibility that the PlayStation 4 version of CD Projekt Red’s upcoming role-playing game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will run better than the Xbox One version. “There’s a chance it will,” Eurogamer reports after speaking with CD Projekt Red cofounder and co-CEO Marcin Iwinski.
“We are still working on squeezing the juice out of the consoles and Microsoft are supporting us in this respect,” Iwinski said. “The final effect, whether it’s 720p, 1080p–we had the debate in the studio about it and actually asked our tech guys to explain how it works, and they sent me some complicated graphs that ‘if I have this size of the screen, and I sit one meter or two meters from it, then I might be able to see the difference.'”
A past report suggested the PS4 version of The Witcher 3 would run in 900p/30fps, while the Xbox One iteration would come out at 720p/30fps. CD Projekt Red said this was “just a rumor” and that official details about resolution and frame-rate would come later.
Iwinski went on to say that the differentiation between 720p and 1080p is really more of a PR move that Sony is leveraging for its own benefit rather than “something that is really meaningful to gamers.” All the same, he said CD Projekt Red is doing its best to “max out” the performance of both the PS4 and Xbox One versions of The Witcher 3.
“We’re definitely working to max out each of the platforms in terms of what we can get, because that’s a crucial element of The Witcher. Will there be big differences? Really I don’t think so. It’s too early to say. If there will be, they will be tiny. It will be more like people talking ‘hey, I have this and you have that and this is better.'”
Of course, The Witcher 3 is not yet in a final state. CD Projekt Red has a good chunk of time between now and the game’s February 2015 release date to perform optimizations. Iwinski pointed out that the PC version of The Witcher 3 will be capable of scaling up beyond what the consoles are capable of, just because of the inherent nature of PCs.
Lastly, the developer said if The Witcher 3 ends up using PS4 and Xbox One system-exclusive features like PlayStation Move or Kinect, respectively, fans can be assured that their implementation will be meaningful. “If there’s added value, we will consider that. If it’s just a fancy picture to put on the back of the box, we’ll skip it,” marketing director Michal Platkow-Gillewski said.
The Witcher 3 launches February 2015 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. For more, be sure to read GameSpot’s previous coverage.
Eddie Makuch is a news editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch |
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