As first announced last month, the Grounded Bundle consists of a significant expansion for multiplayer fans: It contains four multiplayer maps (Water Tower, Coal Mine, Wharf, and Capitol), eight new survival skills, and four new guns. Single-player fans are not left out altogether, as the bundle includes the new Grounded Mode difficulty, which Naughty Dog has described as the “hardest challenge you’ll ever face.”
All of this content is included with the Season Pass. Those who did not elect to purchase the $20 pass–which will only be available for one more week–can buy the Grounded Bundle’s individual DLC packs separately: The maps (known as the Reclaimed Territories Map Pack) will cost $9.99, the weapons (the Survivalist Weapon Bundle) will cost $5.99, and the two skill bundles (the Situational and Professional Skills Bundles) will cost $3.99 each.
The Grounded Bundle is set to be released tomorrow, May 6. Ahead of the content’s arrival on the PlayStation Store, a new patch–version 1.07–will be made available today.
The Last of Us is available exclusively on the PlayStation 3–for the time being. A remastered edition of the game featuring improved graphics and the PS3 version’s DLC is currently in development for the PlayStation 4 and is expected out later this year.
Chris Pereira is a freelance writer for GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @TheSmokingManX |
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