Spend Your Zen and Earn Rewards!


Spend your Zen and receive complimentary items just for buying stuff from the Marketplace!


Promo Start Date: Friday May 17, 2013 12PM PDT
Promo End Date: Monday May 20, 2013 12PM PDT



For every 500 ZEN your character SPENDS  in the BoI Market Place, we'll send you a Dragonfish's Blessing chance box! That's right! We're sending you a Dragonfish's Blessing chance box for every 500 Zen your character spends in the Marketplace!!!


Note: The character that spends the 500 Zen will be the one that receives the chance box. There's no limit to how many Dragonfish's Blessing chance boxes you can get.



This offer only applies to purchases made on a single character that is equal to or greater than 500 Zen. If you spend 250 Zen on one character and 250 on another, you will not qualify for this offer. This only applies to purchases made in the BoI Market Place.

Possible items that you can get from Celestial Grace chance box:


Dragonfish Bridle of Dieties
Upgrade Charm Double EXP Stone
LV3 Gem Talisman Dragon Emperor's Soul
Warcry Trumpet Pack Gem of Hel Fragment
Wonderful Potions Pack Adv. Tears of Artemis
Adv. Tears of Valkyrie Rainbow Meteor





If you SPEND 10,000 ZEN on ANYTHING  in the BOI Marketplace, we'll send you the Behemoth Chariot Mount for FREE!!!



The total is calculated from the amount spent on ALL characters on a single server. Please make sure that the character you want the pet on is the one that makes the purchase that breaks the 10,000 Zen threshold!  This offer is limited  to  1 mount  per server per account.


Check out our current sales going on right now if you want to save and earn rewards on your purchases!






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