It looks like 3D Fighting game Tekken 7 is currently in development.
The game will probably be announced officially later today at the EVO 2014 fighting game event taking place in Las Vegas this weekend, but news leaked early. First, when a Tekken 7 logo flashed on one of the projection monitors at the event, and then with a video report from IGN posted to AOL.com.
According to the video, Tekken 7 will use Unreal Engine 4. Series Executive Producer and Game Director Katsuhiro Harada is quoted as saying that “with Unreal Engine 4, we can rapidly achieve visual quality expected on next-gen platforms and go beyond it. Not only is Unreal Engine 4 powerful and easy to use, it allows us to immediately bring Tekken 7 to any platform we desire.”
Tekken publisher Bandai Namco has yet to announced a release date and for what platforms Tekken 7 is being developed.
Earlier this year, Harada said he’s working on multiple new projects, and that he hopes to unveil two or three of them in 2014.
“Tekken is one of my life’s works,” he said. “And while I can’t say much here, together with the titles we were going to announce this year, I’m also working on several other titles simultaneously with Tekken. From there, I’d like to announce at least two of those titles in 2014, and I feel that it’s something I must do.”
Emanuel Maiberg is a freelance writer. You can follow him on Twitter @emanuelmaiberg and Google+. |
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