Happy Friday! It’s time for our To-Do list, filled with sneak peaks of this weeks shows, chances to win awesome stuff, and of course the community challenge. For those of you who don’t know, the community challenge is a task that you must finish by Monday and can be anything from writing a feature to getting a high score in a game.
This weekend on GameSpot

On the Top 5 Skyrim Mods, we’ll be joining Kevin VanNord as he fights for his life across the Skyrim wilderness. There might also be some drunken hijinks and shenanigans to be had by your favorite Elder Scrolls hosts, Seb Ford and Cameron Robinson. Remember, you can tune in every Saturday at 12pm PST for the latest episode of the Top 5 Skyrim Mods Show. [ Top 5 Skyrim Mods Show Page]

Ever wonder why you feel more intellectual than the average non gamer? Well this Sunday at 12pm PST on Reality Check, Cameron will be giving you four reasons why video games make you smarter, explaining specifically what benefits video games have on the brain. [Reality Check Show Page]

This week’s episode of House of Horrors is going to be a little different than our previous episodes since Jess and Zorine are celebrating Australia day. Be sure to tune in this Sunday at 7pm PST where we’ll be playing Lucius, a psychological horror game from Shiver Games about the 6 year old son of Satan, enjoy! [House of Horros Show Page]

This week’s Community Challenge is about Nintendo. It’s been a hot topic here around the GameSpot offices. As you can see we’ve written about it, talked about it, heck it was even a discussion point on Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show. So today we’re here to ask your opinion, should Nintendo move away from hardware? Should they open up their games to other platforms? Or are they perfect just the way they are? If you need some help coming up with ideas there are awesome conversations in the Nintendo forum. The community team has kicked off this challenge with their own blogs, so check out what ohaifrancy and digitaldame had to say. Agree or disagree, we want to hear what you have to say.
Once you have completed the challenge leave a link to your blog in the comment section below (leave us suggestions for future challenge to.) The community team will pick their favorites and feature them in Tuesday’s GameSpotting blog!