Titanfall producer Drew McCoy does not know–and does not care–if his new game is making a profit because he’s already happy that he got to make a game that he enjoys. That’s what success means to him, McCoy told GameSpot during an interview at PAX East last weekend.
“I don’t know if it’s making a profit, I don’t know if it’s meeting sales expectations. I don’t really care,” McCoy said. “I care that I worked on a game that I can sit down and enjoy playing. The fact that people enjoy it and it has made enough that we [get to] continue supporting it as a studio, that’s to me a success. We make games because we love them and we want other people to play them with us.”
GameSpot sources indicate that Titanfall has indeed sold quite well, and strong sales have led publisher Electronic Arts to secure the rights for Titanfall 2.
We also quizzed McCoy about whether or not he thinks Titanfall has disrupted the status quo in the FPS market–namely, juggernaut franchises like Call of Duty and Battlefield. He wasn’t in a position to say if Titanfall had indeed affected those major franchises, instead saying that he hopes the game has shown other developers that they should branch out and try new things instead of following a formula.
“We make games because we love them and we want other people to play them with us” — Titanfall producer Drew McCoy
“I don’t know if we’ve disrupted it. People are still going to make the cinematic 5-6 hour single-player, they’re going to make the multiplayer, and maybe co-op that sandwiches in between,” McCoy said. “They’re still going to throw 600 people at it, and do production values for production values’ sake. But what I hope it’s done is opened up designers to trying new things.”
“There’s been some really colossal failures…there’s been games that looked at what’s popular and go ‘oh, if we have this, people will buy our game.’ And then it just completely fails, because they missed the reason as to why that game was good and they didn’t try anything new,” he added. “So I hope what Titanfall does, as a gamer and as someone who wants to see the industry get better and make cooler stuff, is try new things and not just try and copy what’s good.”
Titanfall launched March 11 for Xbox One and PC, and came to Xbox 360 just last week. We’ll find out how well it sold–and how effective it was at selling Xbox Ones–tomorrow evening when the NPD Group releases sales information for the month of March. Stay tuned.
Eddie Makuch is a news editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch |
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