Capcom is yet another one of the publishers with games that will be affected by the shutdown of GameSpy’s servers at the end of May. While a pair of the company’s games will unfortunately lose online service altogether when GameSpy does pull the plug, several others will be–or already have been–saved.
In a blog post, Capcom community manager Brett Elston ran down the list of games that will be affected by the GameSpy closure. Marvel vs. Capcom Origins has already been migrated to new services and will continue to be playable without issue. The same can also be said for Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition. Lost Planet 3 on PC and the PlayStation 3, meanwhile, is in the process of being saved, although stats and leaderboard rankings won’t be carried over.
“Migration to a new service has already begun, so we’re not anticipating any online downtime,” Elston said of Lost Planet 3. “However, due to switching servers the leaderboards and current play stats will be reset. We’ll have more information about the reset soon, so please check back. (Note the X360 version is unaffected.)”
Two of Capcom’s downloadable games won’t be so lucky. Real-time-strategy game Age of Booty and puzzler Flock! will lose their online support on all platforms at the end of the month. In both cases, Elston said, “[T]here are no plans to update or migrate this title to a new service.”
Age of Booty, released on the Xbox 360 and PS3 in 2008 and PC in 2009, will still be playable offline, and LAN support will allow the PC version’s multiplayer to live on in limited fashion. Flock, released in 2009 for the 360, PS3, and PC, will also be playable offline, but things that depend on online servers, like the ability to share levels created in the level editor, will no longer function after May 31.
EA recently detailed the list of games it has going offline soon. Like Capcom and 2K Games, EA says it is working to save at least some titles. Rockstar, too, is seeing games taken offline–in some cases just things like leaderboards, while other titles will lose online multiplayer–as a result of GameSpy’s shutdown.
PC gamers, fortunately, will still have the opportunity to play certain games online even after GameSpy’s servers render their official online multiplayer support obsolete. Third-party service GameRanger will allow for the likes of Halo: Combat Evolved and Star Wars: Battlefront II to continue being played online indefinitely, regardless of their respective publishers allowing official online support to come to an end.
Chris Pereira is a freelance writer for GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @TheSmokingManX |
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