[GUIDE] Bright Here, Bright Now

Some of you may or may not know about an elusive NPC in the world of Sanctuary by the name of Dane Bright. This young man is a self-made merchant who, from time to time, enjoys selling a Legendary or Set crafting plan or two.

If you're looking to gear up your lower level characters with some crafted items (or are simply interested in collecting as many Blacksmithing plans as possible) then these featured guides might just be the thing for you.

About the Guides:

In this particular Goatman's Guide of the Week, we're featuring not one, but TWO player-created guides.

The first guide takes the form of a Diablo Wiki page created by Bluedragon (and curated by Elly from Diablo IncGamers). This guide includes all of the basic information you might expect about Dane Bright, including possible spawn locations, what plans Dane can sell, the gold cost for each, and his reset timer. It's been formatted simply, but neatly and features a nice, easy-to-read table.


You can share your own experiences with and knowledge about Dane Bright with the Diablo IncGamers community here and here. Happy hunting!

The second guide, created by Arkaidyn, features a quick video walkthrough of "How to Find Dane Bright." In the guide, Arkaidyn covers a variety of information he's collected based on his own experiences farming for Dane, as well as on the experiences of other Diablo III players. Check out the video below, or head over to Arkaidyn's YouTube page.

Arkaidyn has also posted some additional anecdotal details about Dane Bright in /r/Diablo and /r/Diablo3, opening the discussion to those respective communities. Feel free to join in!

Why These Guides Are Awesome:

  • They can empower players to complete (or least further flesh out) their crafting plan collections.
  • They're driven by player experience, which means your contributions can help.
  • It also means these guides are on-going project, some we think is pretty cool.
  • They've helped spawn some interesting in-game communities!

Additional Information:

Communities, you say?

That's right! There are several in-game communities both in the Americas and Europe gameplay regions dedicated to tracking down Dane Bright himself. If you're interested in locating and joining these communities, just follow these quick steps:

  • While logged into Diablo III, open on the Communities window (SHIFT + O by default).
  • Click on the "Find button" located at the bottom of the window.
  • Select the Search field and enter "Dane Bright" to bring up related communities.

Is searching for an elusive NPC interesting to you? Did this guide help answer any of your questions about Dane Bright? Leave us your thoughts in the comment section below, or head over to this thread on the diablo.incgamers forums to share your story while searching for Dane Bright.

Found any helpful guides lately or created your own? Then be sure to send them over to grimiku@blizzard.com!

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