NEW! Velvet Painting! Now on sale in the Marketplace for only 1 Jaden: Velvet Painting! This new token can be exchanged for various helpful Ascension items at the new NPC Zunon, next to Taisung the Tao in Jadeon. These include Affinity Beads, Chroma Beads, Arcane Bullion, Merit Incense, Meditation Orb 5X, and more! Be sure to drop by and check […]
Archive for the ‘Jade Dynasty’ Category
15% Charge Bonus + A/C = Summer Fun

Is it too hot to play outside? Well it's time to crank up that air conditioning and take advantage of our 15% Summer Charge Bonus weekend! Starting on June 30, when you purchase virtual currency via our Charge Page using select payment processors listed below, we’ll add additional value to your purchase for you to spend in all […]
Jade Dynasty: Starfall – Now Live!

The new Starfall expansion has landed! To celebrate, we are having 3x EXP during launch week! 3x EXP Begins: 6/22/16 @ 7 pm PDT 3x EXP Ends: 6/28/16 @ 7 pm PDT In addition, check out some of the features new to Jade Dynasty: Starfall! New Faction: Seira! The Seira are the latest addition to the Etherkin race who use Fans to […]
Announcing Jade Dynasty: Starfall!

Jade Dynasty: Starfall is our latest expansion that will be launching in June! Lots of new features and fixes are planned, so here’s a sneak preview of what will be dropping soon: New Faction: Seira! The Seira are the latest addition to the Etherkin race. They are a support class, with an affinity for the […]
Bonus Jaden System – Ending Soon

We’re sorry to inform that the Bonus Jaden system will be ending soon with the release of the upcoming Jade Dynasty: Starfall expansion. Once Jade Dynasty: Starfall launches this month, players will no longer be able to earn Bonus Jaden, and the Bonus Shop will be removed from the Marketplace. Please be sure to spend […]
Swallow Step Drop Event – Ending Soon!

With the release of the upcoming Jade Dynasty: Starfall expansion, the Swallow Step drop event will end, and Swallow Steps will no longer drop from enemies. Be sure to gather as much as you can before it’s all over! Need a refresher on the Swallow Step event? You still have a chance to participate! […]
Summer Sale

Flowercreek Jade and Myriad Thread lottos are back in the Marketplace! Each try costs only 0.50 Jaden! Flowercreek Jade Prizes include: Kirin Sigil Grand Pack* x1 Yuan Crystal LV9 Grand Pack* x1 Soul Scepter Grand Pack* x1 Firmus Grand Pack* x1 Jade Box x1 Tiamat Blood x1 Affinity Bead x500 Precious Jade Pack x1 *Grand Packs also contain a bonus […]
Over the Rainbow

End of the Rainbow lotto is now on sale in the Marketplace at 0.50 Jaden each! Open this in the Refinery interface to get one of the following rewards: Prizes include: Kirin Sigil Grand Pack* x1 Yuan Crystal LV9 Grand Pack* x1 Spirited Queen Grand Pack* x1 Fashion Coupon Grand Pack* x1 Jade Box x1 Tiamat Blood […]
April 15% Charge Bonuses Bring May Flowers

Flowers are blooming, birds are chirping and we are also giving a 15% bonus on all virtual currency purchases. Starting on April 28, when you purchase virtual currency via our Charge Page using select payment processors listed below, we’ll add additional value to your purchase for you to spend in all your favorite games. Act fast as this […]
April Spend Rewards

Spend Jaden in Jade Dynasty to earn bonus gifts! Every time you spend Jaden in the Marketplace you'll earn points towards rewards! Start time: 10:00 am PDT, Thursday 4/21 End time: 11:59 pm PDT, Sunday 5/01 As you spend more Jaden, you'll earn your way to the higher tiers of rewards! Reward Tiers: Spend 1 Jaden: […]